Friday, February 11, 2011

Just a thought...

I was thinking about the quote a lot of people use these days that I myself have said many times in the past. "If something is boring it probably isn't of God". I robotic-ally used to say all the time, especially to non-believers who would say Christianity is boring. But this quote isn't true! There are a lot of things that God is very much involved in that isn't entertaining and what I would say is boring. Like the Israelites who wandered around in a desert doing nothing for years...that sounds horrifically BORING!! But that was ALL God. It was their grumbling that made them have to wait so long but if at any point they had stopped and said, "WAit a minute...this is boring and God isn't involved in boring therefore this must be Satan tricking us so we should go somewhere else and stop all this waiting!" then God would have never been able to send them to their promised land! And what about work...I am sorry but almost all of my jobs have been incredibly boring!!! So should I have quit because God must not have been involved? I realize that the context this phrase is usually pointing to is about sermons, teachings, or prayer but that doesn't work either. God doesn't exist to entertain us. I have heard some sermons that are very boring but they were so good! So full of truth and wisdom. And prayer, to be honest is usually super boring to me! I am constantly disciplining my mind to focus and not fall asleep especially in group prayer. I am not one who gets excited to pray but it is always so so so good! There are plenty of things that we do that aren't thrilling but are so good and give glory to God! Being bored is a discomfort and Jesus didn't die to make us comfortable! And this isn't to say that God is boring! HA! Oh goodness...he is so not boring! We will spend eternity getting to know all the facets of him! Anything that is entertaining on this earth only is because God created it to be exciting!

So yeah...its just a thought!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The big news!

So the big news that I have dying to tell everyone is that I am in a courtship! January 17th, Chris Arbaugh asked me to court him. He is one of the most amazing godly men I have ever met! I am very excited and beyond blessed by this relationship. The craziest thing is realizes how much God loves me! After laying down the "rights" to a future marriage soooooo many times, it is so beautiful to see the fruit of it all. So that's the mini story! I don't really want to blog about it too much because I would rather live it.

In other news I am thinking about taking the classes and steps to become a doula. I am still praying about it but the class is in we shall see!