Tuesday, November 23, 2010


So since Thanksgiving is coming up in a couple of days I thought I would share some things I am very thankful for. I know its kind of cliche but it's my blog and barely anybody actually reads this so I can do what I want! So here I go...

I am first of all thankful for Amy from designer blogs who redid my blog. It looks beautiful!

I am thankful for my parents, all four of them! My dad is such an amazing man! He is gentle and so so loving! My mom has always been my number 1 fan! My stepmom Tammy helped me become the woman I am today. And My stepdad, Wayne has been the strong backbone I know I can count on.

I am thankful for my community house and all the beautiful women I live with! Kat, my best friend, is my perfect opposite! Rebeka is so fun to be around and talk to! My favorite moments with her have been in the morning when she is so sleepy but still will talk to me! Darlene, the home schooled horse lady, is hilarious! Every moment with her is filled with laughter! I am so thankful that I get to live with these women and see them everyday!

I am thankful for the community that I am a part of.

I am thankful for the chance to apply to New Life with the hope of being accepted.

I am thankful for the struggles that I have faced that have molded and are molding me into a better reflection of Christ.

I am thankful for the internship that I was a part of for two years where I met my best friends and learned so much!

I am thankful for Chris and Eline Helm and Brion and Katie Burkett. They have all taught me so much and have supported me through everything in the past 2 years.

I am thankful for so so so much more!

Thank you God for all that you have blessed me with!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I can't think of what to call this...

So my check for my New Life Application was cashed yesterday! Yay! That means they got it! If I get accepted there's only 8 1/2 months left! I can't believe that I might be living in another country very far away for 3 years!!! It's very surreal to think about. Anyways, a girl who was at the school left. I read her blog and I don't know all the details of why she left but it has made me really pray about if this is really what God wants me to do. I have always felt it was but I just want to be for sure for sure! Because I don't want my own fleshly passion to be what I bank on! That won;t get me very far. I need Jesus and His direction to do anything! I can already see my passion dwindling. It may not seem like it on the outside because on a scale I am still very passionate about birth but not quite as crazy as I was even a few weeks ago. And I don't think it is a bad thing. I am learning to pursue God with my passion not pursue my passion dragging God a long. And when I am focusing on Him, birth isn't as cool. Next to Jesus, everything loses its luster.

I just got done reading the new Foxes book of Martyrs and boy was it intense! I never realized how much persecution Christians have always faced. It was really awesome to hear the stories of people who were so Sold out for God they gave their lives. I want to do the same. I want to give Jesus my everything. I want to be loving Him till my last breath and then for eternity after-wards. I decided to alternate between reading my birth books and christian books so that I dont get so side tracked with all the baby talk. Now I am reading a midwife ethics book which so far is pretty boring. I want to scrap it all together but I know it is important to read. Plus I am sure I will have to read some pretty boring books in my future for school so I might as well get used to it now. Being a midwife isn't always just about the oo's and aw's of delivering. There are some not-so-fun aspects to it as well!

Well that's all for now, i should be getting a blog makeover soon! Im so excited!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I applied!

So its finally in! I applied, sent in my check, asked for references, now...I wait! I am not sure how long it will be until we find out but i wish it was today!!! I think it will be around January or February but we shall see! Lindsey and I went to the Post Office together last night and then went to Sushi to celebrate! The giants won the World Series while we were there so two exciting moments in one!!! That's all for now!